Why Does My Baby Fart So Much?

Babies are known for their cutesy little scrunches and adorable giggles but they can also surprise parents with their not-so-nice bodily functions. Namely, their tendency to pass gas! 

While it may be amusing at times, excess farting can raise concerns for parents. In this article, we’ll take a look at the common causes behind excess flatulence, signs of trouble and effective strategies to alleviate discomfort. 

So here we have it, let’s take a deep dive into why your baby might fart so much.

Causes of Baby Gas

Feeding Issues

Improper latching during breastfeeding or gulping excess air while bottle feeding can lead to excess gas in babies. If breastfeeding, ensure your baby is latched and positioned correctly to minimise the intake of air during feeding. This is similar to formula-fed babies who should be sat up as much as possible when feeding.

Food Sensitivities

Certain foods in a breastfeeding mum's diet can cause gas in sensitive babies. Common culprits include dairy, caffeine and spicy foods. Keeping a food diary might help uncover potential triggers if you’re unsure. If you’re weaning and your baby is struggling with gas issues it might be handy to do the same.


Intense crying episodes can result in swallowed air which contributes to gassiness. Babies often swallow air when they cry vigorously which leads to discomfort and excess farting. Comforting techniques such as swaddling, gentle rocking or using a dummy can help soothe your baby and reduce excess crying.


When bowel movements become infrequent it can lead to trapped gas in the digestive system. Constipation in babies can be caused by a few different factors such as dehydration, formula changes or introduction to solid foods. Offering plenty of fluids and fibre-rich foods such as porridge, baby rice or pulses can help alleviate discomfort and reduce gas.

Intestinal Immaturity

Your baby’s digestive system is still developing, making them more prone to gas-related discomfort. As babies grow and their digestive systems mature they may experience periods of increased gas. This is natural and part of a baby's development. This usually resolves itself on its own over time.

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Ways To Help a Gassy Baby

Check Their Latch

Ensuring a proper latch during breastfeeding can reduce air intake. Proper positioning can help minimise the amount of air swallowed during feeding.

Monitor Diet

Adjusting the breastfeeding mother's diet or switching to a different formula may alleviate any gas issues. If formula feeding, switching to a formula designed for sensitive stomachs may help reduce any discomfort.

Get baby moving

Gentle exercises such as bicycle legs or tummy massages can aid digestion and help relieve gas. Moving your baby's legs in a circular motion or gently massaging their abdomen can help stimulate bowel movements therefore releasing any trapped gas.

Baby Probiotics

Introducing probiotics specifically formulated for infants can promote healthy gut flora and reduce gas. Probiotics contain beneficial bacteria that can improve digestion and reduce gas-related symptoms in babies. Consult with your healthcare provider before introducing probiotics to your baby’s routine.

Frequent Burping

Burping your baby during and after feeds can expel any trapped air. Burping helps release any trapped swallowed air from your baby’s tummy. Experimenting with different burping positions such as over the shoulder or sitting upright can help relieve any discomfort.

When to Contact Your GP

While occasional gas is normal for babies, persistent discomfort or other concerning symptoms may warrant a visit to the GP. This could include the following symptoms:

  • Your baby’s gas is accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea or fever.
  • Your baby seems excessively fussy and unable to soothe despite your best efforts.
  • You notice blood in your baby’s stool or change in your baby’s feeding patterns.

Understanding why your baby farts so much can provide reassurance and help navigate ways to alleviate their discomfort. By addressing common causes you can help your little one find relief. It’s essential to stay attuned to your baby’s cues and seek medical advice if you’re worried.

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