Your Baby is the size of a

Swiss Chard

A big congratulations is in order! Although your due date is not for another three weeks, you’re now classed as being at ‘full term’. Your little one can arrive anywhere between now and 42 weeks, and we’re so excited for you. Make sure you’ve got your hospital bag packed, and get everything ready for the baby coming home after the big day!

Week 37

Length : 48.5 cm

Weight : 2.8 kg

Week 37
Length : 48.5 cm
Weight : 2.8 kg

Your Baby is the size of a

Swiss Chard

A big congratulations is in order! Although your due date is not for another three weeks, you’re now classed as being at ‘full term’. Your little one can arrive anywhere between now and 42 weeks, and we’re so excited for you. Make sure you’ve got your hospital bag packed, and get everything ready for the baby coming home after the big day!

Although your due date is not for another 3 weeks, you are now actually classed as being at 'term' - baby is done cooking! It can be expected that your baby will arrive anytime between now and 42-weeks of pregnancy, but let's hope you don't have to wait another 5 weeks.

Despite this being quite a way along in your pregnancy, your little one is still gaining weight and function. At this point, your baby is growing by around 200g a week in the form of super cute and squidgy fat and is getting ready for the big wide world waiting for them, by practising things such as breathing, sucking their thumb, and moving.

If you are planning on breastfeeding, you can now start your colostrum harvesting this week, which will be the gift that keeps on giving in the early weeks. Here’s everything you’ll need for colostrum harvesting.

Something to consider at this stage in the pregnancy - "is everything ready?" Very few babies arrive on their due date, meaning you won’t be guaranteed that extra week of shopping or that day to test the baby gadgets, so try and make sure everything you need is in place ready for your big day.         

Some of these symptoms might feel like they’ve been around forever! But, as baby gets ready for the big arrival, there might be a few new ones you haven’t experienced yet. Below is a list of pregnancy symptoms commonly experienced during week 37.

Swelling or Bloating: Swelling, especially in the feet and ankles, is common in the third trimester due to increased fluid retention. Bloating may also persist as the uterus continues to expand, putting pressure on the digestive organs. Be easy on yourself, and try elevating your feet in the evenings to ease the swelling.

Constipation and/or Haemorrhoids: In week 37, constipation might be getting worse again due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the intestines. This can lead to haemorrhoids, which are swollen blood vessels in the rectal area, causing discomfort and sometimes bleeding during bowel movements. Make sure you’re staying hydrated and try to get some more fibre into your diet if you’re suffering from this. Head here for more on constipation during pregnancy.

Heartburn: As your baby grows, the uterus puts pressure on your stomach, leading to heartburn. This uncomfortable burning sensation in the chest occurs when stomach acid flows back into the oesophagus. Here’s more on heartburn during pregnancy.

Stretch Marks: By week 37, your abdomen has likely expanded significantly to accommodate your growing baby, resulting in stretch marks. These pink, red, or purple streaks on the skin occur due to the stretching of the underlying tissues. They’re completely normal, but keeping up with moisturising or using stretch mark cream can help reduce the appearance. 

Nesting: As your due date approaches, you may experience bursts of energy and an overwhelming urge to prepare for your baby's arrival. This nesting instinct can involve organising the nursery, washing baby clothes, and tidying up the home in week 37. Don’t attempt anything too energy-intensive!

Braxton Hicks: You may experience more frequent Braxton Hicks contractions in week 37, or experience them for the first time. These practice contractions help prepare your uterus for labour by toning the muscles, but they are typically irregular and less intense than real contractions. Here’s more on what to expect from contractions.

Increased Vaginal Discharge: As your body prepares for labour, you may notice an increase in vaginal discharge. This discharge, called leukorrhea, is usually thin and milky and helps to protect the birth canal from infection. Here’s everything to know about vaginal discharge.

Crazy Dreams: Hormonal changes and subconscious anxieties about labour and motherhood may contribute to vivid and sometimes bizarre dreams during pregnancy, especially during these weeks. Here’s a guide to pregnancy dreams.

Sweating: Hormonal changes and increased blood flow can lead to excess sweating, particularly at night. This is your body's way of regulating its temperature during pregnancy. Consider having a cool flannel to hand by the side of the bed if you’re suffering from this. Here’s how to keep cool during pregnancy.

Interrupted Sleep: Discomfort from heartburn, backaches, and frequent bathroom trips, can disrupt your sleep patterns in week 37, leaving you feeling fatigued during the day. Try to limit your water intake before bed if bathroom trips are keeping you up.

Remember, every pregnancy is different, and not everyone will experience the same symptoms. If you have any concerns about your symptoms, don't hesitate to reach out to your midwife or GP.

What can you expect those initial hours and days after the birth of your little one to be like? Labour can be intensely stressful and exhausting. Depending on how long you labour, as well as the time of day that you deliver and how smoothly everything goes, you may find yourself wanting more than a nice, long nap.

There will be a lot going on around you. Nurses will be monitoring both you and your newborn, and visitors will be coming and going. Your new baby may sleep most of time and only wake to eat or fuss. You'll be working on breastfeeding and maybe even working with a lactation consultant. Sometimes, that expected, instant bond with your baby doesn't happen immediately.

Many new mothers find that the hormonal imbalance following delivery leaves them reeling. You may cry with happiness, or sadness, without really understanding why. You may feel lonely, despite friends and family being around you. Some women miss feeling so close to their little one, as they did when they were still carrying their baby within. Keep in mind that it is entirely normal.

Many women have conflicting emotions about this amazing life change. Feeling sadness or stressed is a natural reaction. You will have a lifetime to sort out your feelings and enjoy your new baby, so give yourself time to adjust. If you get overwhelmed by your feelings, find you aren't able to care for your baby as you should, or feel that things just aren't right, don’t hesitate to speak to your doctor or midwife. The baby blues are a normal part of motherhood and will gradually pass. Postnatal depression is a more serious concern and should be discussed with your doctor. Make sure to know what to look for with your postnatal mental health, and check in with yourself regularly.

At a Glance

  • Full term: You're now considered "full term," with your baby fully developed and ready for arrival anytime between now and 42 weeks!
  • Breastfeeding prep: If you’re planning to breastfeed, consider starting colostrum harvesting this week for early feeding support.
  • Emotional rollercoaster: Remember, it's normal to feel a range of emotions during this time. Anticipate a mix of emotions, exhaustion, and physical adjustments as you welcome your little one into the world.
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3rd Trimester

Louise Broadbridge

Expert Midwife

Hi, my name is Louise, I am a registered senior midwife, founder of Let's Talk Birth and Baby antenatal classes and the face behind instagram's The Honest Midwife. I have taught over 100,000 expectant parents since starting my antenatal classes which have 5* reviews.

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The information on the Your Baby Club website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always discuss any health concerns with a qualified healthcare provider and carefully review all guidance that comes with any medications or supplements before taking.