A Day in The Life of a Midwife


Wow, what a time to be a midwife! With so much anxiety across the world never before have health services had such pressure placed on them. All of our amazing frontline staff working hard to help those in need.

But what is going on on the maternity wards? Basically business as usual! The babies keep coming, just as they always have and the midwives continue to be there to support couples as they start or grow their families, just as they always will.

Pregnancy can bring many anxieties and the lovely people going through it now probably never, in their wildest dreams, imagined they would be doing it in the midst of a global health crisis that has seen normal avenues of support cut off and routine care disrupted.

However, as we celebrate International Day of the Midwife we can reassure everyone that Midwives are ready and waiting, with open (virtual) hugs to bridge the gap where possible.

For women that are finding themselves needing to bring their new family addition into the world without their birth partner by their sides, they can be assured that they will not be alone. All the emotional stops will be pulled out, brows will be mopped and tears will be dried as they support you with each minute that brings you closer to meeting your tiny person. Technology will be brought into the labour room to help your partner be part of the moment and you will be able to look back and tell your little one just how safe you felt during such a strange time for one and all.
Behind every mask you can be sure there is an encouraging smile, behind every visor will be a tear shed at the wonder of helping you to bring life into the world and behind every surgical glove, a hand to hold yours when you need it the most.

In recent weeks we have welcomed back those that had reached their time to put their feet up as they have once again picked up their pinnards and name badges to come and support student midwives as they start their careers in unprecedented circumstances and midwives and maternity support staff across the world have continued to stand strong, support each other and be "with women"

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