Your Baby is the size of a


Your baby’s heart is now regulated by the brain, beating at around twice the speed of yours. They’ve also been busy growing a layer of baby fat to keep them nice and warm when they have to leave the warm comfort of the womb, which will add to their cuteness even more! You may be experiencing rapid weight gain at this stage, so don’t forget to snap some bump pics so you can see your progress. This is also a great time to think about which antenatal classes you want to attend.

Week 17

Length : 13 cm

Weight : 140 g

Week 17
Length : 13 cm
Weight : 140 g

Your Baby is the size of a


Your baby’s heart is now regulated by the brain, beating at around twice the speed of yours. They’ve also been busy growing a layer of baby fat to keep them nice and warm when they have to leave the warm comfort of the womb, which will add to their cuteness even more! You may be experiencing rapid weight gain at this stage, so don’t forget to snap some bump pics so you can see your progress. This is also a great time to think about which antenatal classes you want to attend.

To support your baby as they develop strong bones, it is recommended that pregnant women take a 10mcg (micrograms) daily supplement of vitamin D, as this helps the baby with their bone growing in the first few months after birth. You can also boost your vitamin D intake by eating foods such as mackerel, eggs, and salmon - all rich in vitamin D. 

Good levels of vitamin D reduce the development of a condition known as 'rickets', however don't take more than 100 micrograms (4,000 IU) of vitamin D a day as it could be harmful.

Watch out baby, you may be continuing dancing around your roomy pad, but things are going to get a bit tighter! Now over 12cm in length and over 140grams in weight, you are growing at a rapid rate and planning permission will surely be declined for an extension - it’s gonna get cramped in there! Baby is growing a layer of baby fat, even though its skin is still translucent, and its heart is finally being regulated by the brain, remaining around twice your own heart rate at 140-150 bpm.

All set for when your baby grows big enough to put their sticky fingers all over the place, their unique finger and toe prints are in the making this week!

For mum, weight gain can feel quite rapid at the minute, and you may be gaining as much as 1-2lb per week. Remember to take some bump pictures for the album so you can see your growth progress. You may also still be feeling fatigued, constipated, and a bit sluggish, but the nausea should be subsiding by now, fingers crossed!

This week is also a good time to have a think about which antenatal classes you may like to attend.         

At 17 weeks, the nausea of the first trimester is likely a thing of the past and the discomfort and sleeplessness of the third trimester are yet to come. This means you are in the golden phase of pregnancy and hopefully feeing great! Here is a list of symptoms you may experience this week.

Weight gain: As your baby continues to grow and develop, you may notice a steady increase in your weight throughout the second trimester. This is a normal part of pregnancy as your body prepares to support your growing baby. Check out what to expect from pregnancy weight gain.

Increased melatonin: Pregnancy hormones can influence your sleep patterns, leading to changes in melatonin production. You may find yourself feeling more sleepy during the day or experiencing alterations in your sleep quality this week.

Itchy stomach: Your expanding belly and breasts may become itchy as your skin stretches to accommodate your growing baby.

Crazy dreams: Hormonal fluctuations throughout pregnancy can result in a fair share of vivid and sometimes bizarre dreams. These dreams are a normal part of pregnancy and typically subside after giving birth. Here’s a guide to pregnancy dreams.

Increased clumsiness: Changes in your centre of gravity and loosening ligaments can make you feel clumsier than usual at this point in pregnancy. Be easy on yourself.

Increased vaginal discharge: An increase in vaginal discharge is common due to hormonal changes. This discharge, known as leukorrhea, helps prevent infections and keeps the vaginal area clean. Here’s everything to know about vaginal discharge.

Nasal congestion and/or nosebleeds: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to swelling of the nasal passages, resulting in congestion and occasional nosebleeds. Increased blood volume and circulation can also contribute to this symptom. Speak to your midwife or GP if these are heavy nosebleeds or happening regularly.

Increased appetite: As your baby continues to grow, your body may require more nourishment, resulting in an increased appetite. This is normal and it’s important to provide adequate nutrients for both you and your baby's development!

Heartburn and/or indigestion: The hormonal changes during pregnancy can relax the valve between your oesophagus and stomach, allowing stomach acids to flow back up, causing a burning sensation known as heartburn. Indigestion may also occur due to the slower digestion process. Here’s more on heartburn during pregnancy.

Remember, every pregnancy is different, and not everyone will experience the same symptoms. If you have any concerns about your symptoms, don't hesitate to reach out to your midwife or GP.

Now that you have a little baby bump, your seatbelt might not rest where it used to. So... where should you place your seatbelt? Keep the lap portion of the belt under your belly, securely against your hips. No matter what, don't skip the seatbelt altogether because any trauma to your abdomen could harm your baby.

Speaking of driving, now is a great time to test-drive a few names for your little one. If you and your partner are having trouble deciding or agreeing on a name, there's hope yet! The birth is still months away, and any feelings surrounding a certain name can easily change by then. 

Come up with a list of about 5 to 10 names, and have your partner do the same. Try saying them out loud. Then pick one and use that name for a few days whenever you talk to your belly. Have fun with it! Who knows, the name you initially rejected might grow on you, and the name you loved might feel all wrong.

Don't forget to keep track of your pregnancy milestones! Take a pregnancy profile picture this week, and write in your journal. You'll be surprised at how quickly this time goes by, and be thankful for each little moment or thought you record along the way.         

At a Glance

  • Growth spurt: Over 12cm in length, your baby is rapidly growing, and space is getting tighter!
  • Baby fat: Despite translucent skin, your baby is developing a layer of baby fat.
  • Fingerprints: Unique finger and toe prints are forming this week.
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2nd Trimester

Louise Broadbridge

Expert Midwife

Hi, my name is Louise, I am a registered senior midwife, founder of Let's Talk Birth and Baby antenatal classes and the face behind instagram's The Honest Midwife. I have taught over 100,000 expectant parents since starting my antenatal classes which have 5* reviews.

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The information on the Your Baby Club website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always discuss any health concerns with a qualified healthcare provider and carefully review all guidance that comes with any medications or supplements before taking.