Your Baby is the size of a

Ear of Corn

Your baby’s face is nearly fully formed! Their body is filling out as they take in the precious nutrients you’re providing. This is a great point to start thinking about your baby’s bassinet or side sleeper as it is recommended that babies sleep in the parent’s room for the first 6 months. If you plan to co-sleep, make sure you look into safe sleep advice.

Week 24

Length : 29.9 cm

Weight : 589 g

Week 24
Length : 29.9 cm
Weight : 589 g

Your Baby is the size of a

Ear of Corn

Your baby’s face is nearly fully formed! Their body is filling out as they take in the precious nutrients you’re providing. This is a great point to start thinking about your baby’s bassinet or side sleeper as it is recommended that babies sleep in the parent’s room for the first 6 months. If you plan to co-sleep, make sure you look into safe sleep advice.

Pretty as a picture, your baby's face is just about fully formed, getting ready for all those photographs to give to grandma and grandpa!

Continuing to grow, your little one is gaining around 3-4 ounces a week and is around a foot long now. With each ounce, their body is filling out as they take in all those precious nutrients you are giving them through the umbilical cord and via their amniotic fluid. They are tasting more and more as their taste buds get even more sensitive. Their hair is also as white as snow as it is yet to have any pigment.

At 24-weeks' gestation, although your baby would be tiny, should they be born now, they have reached the point of viability and would be cared for in the neonatal unit. In preparation for the outside world, their lungs are getting stronger and stronger. As they mature, a substance called 'surfactant' is appearing, which keeps the 'alveoli' (tiny air sacs) open as they practise breathing in and out.

Click here to learn more on how to tell your boss you're pregnant!

One thing you may be experiencing at this point in the pregnancy, is a level of numbness or tingling in your fingers and wrists. This sensation is called 'carpal tunnel syndrome'. This occurs when the fluid causing swelling in your lower extremities is redistributed when you begin laying down. This redistribution puts pressure on your nerves going through your wrist and can also take the form of pain or a dull ache. Another annoying side-effect, but the light at the end of the tunnel, is that this will slowly disappear once you are no longer pregnant.

To add to the already growing list of side-effects during pregnancy, you may find that you start to experience itching, especially on your tummy, as your skin stretches to accommodate your growing baby. In most cases, pregnancy-related itching, whilst annoying, is usually nothing to worry about.

However, if your itching becomes excessive and is especially noticeable on your hands and feet, with a worsening at night, it is important that you contact your maternity department as it may be a sign of a more serious condition known as 'obstetric cholestasis'.         

Stretch marks: As your belly expands to accommodate your growing baby, you may notice stretch marks forming on your abdomen, breasts, and thighs. While they are a common part of pregnancy, keeping your skin moisturised can help minimise their appearance.

Stronger nails: Pregnancy hormones can sometimes lead to stronger nails! Enjoy this perk of pregnancy, but keep in mind that these changes may not be permanent.

Thicker hair: Many pregnant women experience thicker, fuller hair during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. This is often attributed to increased levels of oestrogen, which prolongs the growth phase of hair.

Braxton Hicks: Around week 24, you might start experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions, also known as "practice contractions." These irregular and painless contractions are your body's way of preparing for labor. They may feel like a tightening sensation in your abdomen and typically occur infrequently. If they become frequent or painful, contact your healthcare provider. Here’s more on what to expect from contractions.

Tender and/or bleeding gums: Pregnancy hormones can affect your oral health, causing gum sensitivity, swelling, and tenderness. This can increase the risk of gum inflammation (gingivitis) and occasional bleeding during brushing or flossing. Here’s more on what pregnancy can do to your teeth.

Swelling in your ankles and/or feet: It's common to experience swelling, known as edema, particularly in your ankles and feet during week 24 of pregnancy. This occurs due to increased fluid retention and pressure on blood vessels as your body adjusts to the demands of pregnancy. Elevating your legs and staying hydrated can help alleviate discomfort. Here’s how to reduce ankle swelling.

Interrupted sleep: As your pregnancy progresses, you may find it increasingly challenging to get a good night's sleep! A few things might be the culprit, from discomfort from your growing belly, to frequent urination, and even hormonal changes. Establishing a relaxing bedtime routine and using supportive pillows can improve your sleep quality.

Backache: As your body adjusts to accommodate your growing baby, you may experience leg cramps and backaches. These discomforts are often due to changes in your posture and the added weight of your uterus. Here’s how to ease pregnancy aches and pains.

Crazy dreams: Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy can result in vivid and sometimes unusual dreams. This is a common phenomenon and is usually harmless. Here’s a guide to pregnancy dreams.

Foetal activity: By week 24, you're likely feeling more pronounced movements from your baby as they continue to grow and develop. You may feel kicks, rolls, and even hiccups throughout the day, indicating your baby's increasing activity levels. Pay attention to these movements as they provide reassurance of your baby's well-being. If you notice a significant change in foetal movement, don’t hesitate to speak to your midwife. Head here for more on when you’ll feel your baby kicking.

Remember, every pregnancy is different, and not everyone will experience the same symptoms. If you have any concerns about your symptoms, don't hesitate to reach out to your midwife or GP.

I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it... When it comes down to the absolute basics, the nursery list of must-haves is relatively short. You need a place for your baby to sleep and a place where you can store things. There are many ways to create a great nursery, even if you don't have extra space or cash to work with.

For your baby's place to sleep, check out these top options. Keep your lifestyle, budget, and design preferences in mind as you research the various choices out there.

Your baby is going to have a lot of stuff, and you'll need somewhere to put it all. Shelving, drawers, baskets, and stackable bins are all great options for creating an organised, functional area. Try to group things in a way that makes them readily and easily accessible. For example, store the nappies, wipes, creams, and a few onesies within an arm’s reach of your baby's changing table.

You'll also want to find a good space for your baby's towels, blankets, muslins, bibs... and something as simple as a shelf in your bedroom will work as well as a special basket, bin, or piece of furniture will.

Where To Keep Everything

There is no need to spend money on, or create additional space for, a nursery set of multiple, matching pieces. Any standard dresser (the shorter, wider ones) can double as a changing table if you add a changing pad to the top. In fact, here is the truth: you will use a countertop, couch, bed, or blanket spread out on the floor as a changing area at some point, because they all get the job done. 

And you don't need a swanky nursing chair and ottoman. Any chair can be sat in to snuggle with your baby. Find an old recliner and re-cover its fabric. You can even use a bouncy exercise ball, which some babies find soothing. 

Do whatever will work best for you and your family. If you are in a smaller flat, an empty closet or a corner of your bedroom can serve as a cosy space for your little one. You can make a changing area in your bathroom or at the foot of your bed. Your baby's favourite place in your house will be wherever you are!

Take a side profile pregnancy picture and write in your pregnancy journal!

At a Glance

  • Baby's face formed: Your baby's face is almost fully formed, ready for those adorable pictures!
  • Taste Sensitivity: Baby's taste buds are developing, allowing them to taste more through the amniotic fluid.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: You may experience numbness or tingling in your fingers and wrists due to fluid redistribution.
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2nd Trimester

Louise Broadbridge

Expert Midwife

Hi, my name is Louise, I am a registered senior midwife, founder of Let's Talk Birth and Baby antenatal classes and the face behind instagram's The Honest Midwife. I have taught over 100,000 expectant parents since starting my antenatal classes which have 5* reviews.

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The information on the Your Baby Club website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always discuss any health concerns with a qualified healthcare provider and carefully review all guidance that comes with any medications or supplements before taking.