Your Baby is the size of a

Butternut Squash

As your little one gets bigger and bigger, they’ve got less and less space to move around in, meaning you’ll be getting elbowed and kicked now more than ever. Try to add some light exercise to your routine in order to keep your circulation going and decrease your chances of developing varicose veins. But remember, not long to go now until the big day!

Week 29

Length : 38.6 cm

Weight : 1.13 kg

Week 29
Length : 38.6 cm
Weight : 1.13 kg

Your Baby is the size of a

Butternut Squash

As your little one gets bigger and bigger, they’ve got less and less space to move around in, meaning you’ll be getting elbowed and kicked now more than ever. Try to add some light exercise to your routine in order to keep your circulation going and decrease your chances of developing varicose veins. But remember, not long to go now until the big day!

If you'll remember, since around week 20, a white cheese-like substance known as 'vernix' has started to cover your baby's skin. This protective layer is thought to protect the skin from prolonged immersion in fluid. In addition, it is suggested that the substance has antimicrobial properties that protect the baby against infection. As the next few weeks come and go, the amount of vernix on the baby will decrease but unless your baby is very late in arriving, there will still be some visible after birth.

Don't rush to wipe it off though as it is thought to be very beneficial to the baby and great for their skin. That said, if your baby has had a poo whilst still inside, this vernix may have a yellowy-green appearance - in this case you will probably want to wipe it off!

Baby is now 40cm long and weighs around 1.3kg - about the weight of a large water bottle. As the space around them has shrunk, you may not be able to feel proper kicks anymore as their legs cannot extend much. You're more likely to feel elbow jabs and knee pokes at this point. Be mindful of your baby's routine of movements going forward and get checked if you notice a difference.

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One thing you may notice around this time (or maybe not notice as much, due to your growing bump) is the emergence of varicose veins. These are nothing to worry about. During pregnancy, your blood volume increases, and pregnancy hormones cause your veins to relax. Varicose veins can be painful for some pregnant women; however, many feel no discomfort at all from them.

To help minimise or even prevent them, try to keep your circulation going. This can be done by avoiding sitting or standing for long periods, this can be done by regularly adding some exercise to your routine. By adding this to your routine early, you may find it brings further benefits later in the pregnancy.

Pregnancy is exhausting, but when you hold that little baby, you'll realise it was all entirely worth it. Here is a list of symptoms you may experience during week 29.

Outie bellybutton: Around this time, many expectant mums notice their belly button protruding outward as the uterus expands and pushes against the abdomen. This change is entirely normal and usually temporary. 

Larger feet: As your body retains more fluid during pregnancy, it's not uncommon for your feet to swell and increase in size. This is typically temporary, so don’t feel like you need to run out and buy a whole wardrobe of new shoes!

Sweating: Hormonal fluctuations can lead to increased sweating during pregnancy, especially in the second trimester. This is the body's way of regulating its temperature. Wearing breathable clothing and staying hydrated before bed can help manage sweating. Here’s how to keep cool during pregnancy.

Stretch marks: As you enter the third trimester, you may notice stretch marks forming on your abdomen, breasts, and thighs. While they are a common part of pregnancy, keeping your skin moisturised can help minimise their appearance.

Swelling in your feet: It's common to experience swelling, known as edema, particularly in your ankles and feet during. This occurs due to increased fluid retention and pressure on blood vessels as your body adjusts to the demands of pregnancy. Elevating your legs and staying hydrated can help alleviate discomfort. Here’s how to reduce ankle swelling.

Crazy dreams: Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy can result in vivid and sometimes unusual dreams. This is a common phenomenon and is usually harmless. Here’s a guide to pregnancy dreams.

Braxton Hicks: This week, you might be experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions, also known as "practice contractions." These irregular and painless contractions are your body's way of preparing for labour. They may feel like a tightening sensation in your abdomen and typically occur infrequently. If they become frequent or painful, contact your healthcare provider. Here’s more on what to expect from contractions.

Tingling, numbness, or pain in your hands and wrists: Carpal tunnel syndrome, characterised by tingling, numbness, or pain in the hands and wrists, is common during this stage of pregnancy due to fluid retention and swelling. Wearing a wrist splint and practicing gentle exercises may provide relief.

Remember, every pregnancy is different, and not everyone will experience the same symptoms. If you have any concerns about your symptoms, don't hesitate to reach out to your midwife or GP.

By week 29, your hormones may be influencing your level of desire and response to lovemaking (aka, sex). And this may be a bit of a down, because during the first trimester, you were exhausted and dealing with morning sickness, neither of which were conducive for getting in the mood. Then you went through the second trimester, which allowed you to bring a little sexy back and maybe even gifted you with some increased sensitivity (due to the extra flow of blood to your vaginal area). And now, you are in the third trimester, and... is your body becoming a factor?

Achy breasts, back pain, and extra weight gain may make foreplay and sex more challenging than usual. How do you enjoy lovemaking when you can't even find a comfortable love-making position to begin with? Are you hurting the baby? If you can feel your baby, can your baby feel the two of you? Well... yes. Your baby can feel your movement. But your baby won't recognise sex as anything too different from dancing, or other exercise. Your baby is safe, floating around in amniotic fluid, blissfully unaware of your shenanigans. 

So, unless you have orders from your doctor or midwife to abstain from sex (due to pregnancy complications or a history of such), sex should be perfectly safe for everyone involved. If at any point you feel pain, however, or if you experience intense cramping or bleeding, call your doctor or midwife as soon as possible.

Men may have reservations, or ambivalent feelings, about sex during pregnancy. They might worry it could hurt you, or the baby. Men may also feel stress or have anxiety about fatherhood, or about the baby causing something to change between the two of you. Sometimes, cuddling with your partner, or providing closeness in general, will help to dispel these worries and get him in the mood.

Sex can be more than just intercourse; so, if his (or your) worries persist, find other ways to stay close and celebrate each other. There is also a good chance your partner is fascinated and even aroused by your changing body... your larger breasts, rounded belly, and generous curves may be very appealing. Just keep all lines of communication wide open. With a bit of creativity and sensitivity, a healthy sex life can continue throughout your pregnancy, and beyond.

Don't forget to take a side profile picture and write in your pregnancy journal!

At a Glance

  • Loosing their protective layer: The amount of vernix is now decreasing as they get ready for birth.
  • Less obvious kicks: You’ll still feel movement, but with less space, kicks will be less pronounced.
  • Keep up with the photos: Remember to keep taking photos of your bumps to add to the memory book!
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3rd Trimester

Louise Broadbridge

Expert Midwife

Hi, my name is Louise, I am a registered senior midwife, founder of Let's Talk Birth and Baby antenatal classes and the face behind instagram's The Honest Midwife. I have taught over 100,000 expectant parents since starting my antenatal classes which have 5* reviews.

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The information on the Your Baby Club website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always discuss any health concerns with a qualified healthcare provider and carefully review all guidance that comes with any medications or supplements before taking.